AIMCo Delivers Positive Mid-Year Results

James Bradshaw of the Globe and Mail reports Alberta pension manager AIMCo reports 4.5-per-cent gain in first half of 2023, keeps cautious stance: Alberta Investment Management Corp. reported a 4.5-per-cent gain on its investments in the first half of the year, but the pension fund manager is staying cautious against a backdrop of slow economic activity. The half-year investment returns posted by AIMCo, which amounted to $6.1-billion in investment income, were “right around benchmark levels,” chief investment officer Marlene Puffer said in an interview Thursday. AIMCo does not disclose the benchmarks it uses to measure returns at the mid-year mark, and Ms. Puffer said lagging valuation updates for some private asset classes make timely comparisons difficult. AIMCo has earned an average annual return of 5.4 per cent over four years, and 7.3 per cent over 10 years. The Edmonton-based manager, which invests on behalf of 17 pension, endowment, insurance and government funds i...