OMERS to Stop Making Direct Private Equity Investments in Europe

Gillian Tan, Swetha Gopinath and Layan Odeh of Bloomberg report OMERS to stop making direct private equity investments in Europe: The Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System will stop making direct private equity investments in Europe as the pension fund overhauls its operations there, according to people familiar with the matter. Omers plans to shift its exposure in the region by investing alongside partners and third-party managers, said the people, who asked not to be identified discussing confidential information. Jonathan Mussellwhite, who led private equity in Europe since 2018, left Omers earlier this month, a spokesperson said in a statement Thursday. The pension fund said previously that Michael Graham, its global head of private equity, will retire in February. Omers will launch a global funds strategy within a new group called Private Capital. The C$25.1 billion ($18.6 billion) private equity portfolio will be split, with Michael Block leading the gl...