Time to Clean House at Pensions?

The CBC reports that Ontario cleans house at the OLG : Ontario's finance minister has fired the head of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation and accepted the resignations of the entire board of directors in an attempt to head off another scandal. Dwight Duncan told a news conference at Queen's Park on Monday that he was "taking action to ensure protection of taxpayers money." Duncan said there had been problems with expenses and they represented "symptoms of much larger problems" at OLG. The corporation's CEO, Kelly McDougald, was fired "for cause," said the minister. The entire six-member board stepped down. The provincial auditor general has been asked to conduct a thorough review of OLG expenses. Both McDougald and the board members were brought in to clean up the scandal-plagued organization. Duncan released two years' worth of expense claims filed by OLG executives and senior staff that include questionable claims filed by ...