Pensions and the Toxic Debt Time Bomb

There is a time bomb about to explode and it has to do with pension funds that invested in risky and no-so-risky colateralized debt obligations (CDOs). Last July, Bloomberg markets wrote an excellent piece entitled, The Poison in Your Pension (click hyperlink to view) . The article describes how banks were selling the riskiest CDO tranches, known as toxic waste, to public pension funds and state trust funds (click on image above to see who are the buyers of CDOs). CDOs are packages of securities backed by bonds, mortgages and other loans. It turns out that some large public pension funds, including the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) , the largest U.S. public pension fund, invested in the equity tranches of CDOs to boost their returns. And CalPERS was not the only public pension fund to invest in these risky assets. Once the subprime crisis hit, the values of these securities plummeted. I quote from the article: "Because CDO contents are secretive, f...