Ron Mock Sounds Alarm on Alternatives?

Arlene Jacobius of Pensions & Investments reports, Ontario Teachers CEO calls alternative investments ‘too expensive’ : Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, Toronto, is starting to step back from investing in alternative investments such as real estate and infrastructure because they are “too expensive,” said Ron Mock, president and CEO of the C$154.4 billion ($126.4 billion) pension fund, while speaking on a panel at the Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Wednesday. “There’s a lot of money crowded into the broadly defined alternatives space,” Mr. Mock said. “We find it too expensive. It’s time for us to step back.” Instead, Ontario Teachers executives are investing “between the asset classes where we found the most interesting deals today,” he said. For example, Ontario Teachers is an investor in the U.K. and Irish lotteries for their stable cash flows and high rate of return, which can be improved with technological upgrades, Mr. Mock said. ...