Bob Baldwin's Reflections on DB and Pension Design

Bob Baldwin, a former director of PSP Investments who runs Baldwin Consulting and is a director at Addenda Capital, sent me an important paper, DB and Pension Design: Reflections on Risks and Reporting : Over the forty years that I have served as a pension specialist inside the trade union movement and outside of it since 2005, debates about the relative merits of defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) pension plans have been a prominent part of pension discourse. The intensity of the debate has ebbed and flowed over the years but has been more intense in recent years as there has been a shift from DB to DC plans that has been particularly notable in workplace pension plans (WPPs) in the UK and US and to a lesser but clear degree in Canada as well. This shift has been much stronger in the private sector compared to the public sector and includes a shift from registered DC plans to group RRSPs (See: Appendix 1 and Baldwin, 2015). This shift has left the remaining membe...