Fully Funded OTPP Gains 10.4% in 2019

The Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP) just released its 2019 results, gaining 10.4% for the year as net assets reach $207.4 billion at year-end 2019: Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board (Ontario Teachers’) today announced a total-fund net return of 10.4% for the year. Net assets reached $207.4 billion as of December 31, 2019, a $16.3 billion increase from December 31, 2018. Ontario Teachers’ earned $20.2 billion in investment income in 2019, the most in the organization’s history. “Ontario Teachers’ diversified, high-quality portfolio achieved a total-fund net return of 10.4% and our net assets reached $207.4 billion to end the year,” said Jo Taylor, President and Chief Executive Officer. “The investment world since then has changed dramatically due to COVID-19, which is having an impact on all of our activities. We are highly focused on the wellbeing of our members and employees, and our team has demonstrated remarkable agility as we adapt the way we work while m...