CalSTRS's Plan to Reduce Fees

The California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) is initiating a long-range plan to increase internal management of assets to reduce the $1.8 billion it currently pays out in external management fees: The effort for cost savings comes at a critical time for CalSTRS, the second-largest US retirement plan. The plan is only 65.5% funded as of June 30, 2018, a number that is expected to drop after the plan posts its investment returns for this fiscal year at the end of next month. It has been a volatile year for pension plans primarily due to the ups and downs of the stock market. Few, if any, plans are expected to meet their anticipated rates of return. CalSTRS’s expected rate of return each year is 7%, a rate some critics say is unrealistic. In any case, saving external fees by increasing internal management can give CalSTRS a better chance of meeting its returns projections, argue investment staffers. According to the article , CalSTRS has made the largest progress ...