Pensions Regain Faith in Hedge Funds?

Sam Jones and Kate Burges of the FT report that Pension schemes regain faith in hedge funds : The number of pension schemes looking to invest money with hedge funds doubled during 2009, according to a leading investment consultancies. Hewitt Associates has seen inquiries from clients increase sharply as pension fund trustees scrabble to find high-performing investment strategies to help recoup losses suffered in 2008. “A lot of institutional investors have got over the emotional block that hedge funds are risky products that they should be scared of. Clients are much more comfortable with the asset class,” Guy Saintfiet, a senior hedge fund researcher at Hewitt told the Financial Times. Other consultants – which play a crucial role as intermediaries in guiding pension funds’ investments – also report a change in attitudes towards hedge funds. According to Damien Loveday, a senior investment consultant at Towers Watson, pension fund trustees had become more sophisticated. Most UK scheme...