Fully Funded HOOPP Gains 11.4% in 2020

HOOPP released its 2020 results posting strong gains that allow for benefit improvement for active members: The Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP) announced today that it generated an 11.42% rate of return in 2020. In addition, it surpassed the $100 billion asset milestone, closing the year at $104.0 billion in net assets, up from $94.1 billion at the end of 2019. The Plan’s funded status is 119%, meaning that for every dollar it owes in pensions it has $1.19 in assets. HOOPP has a 10-year annualized rate of return of 11.16%. In its latest report, consulting firm CEM Benchmarking found that HOOPP’s 10-year results were among the highest of pension plans worldwide, and was highest among CEM’s Canadian data set of 66 pension funds. “HOOPP is very pleased to have delivered strong results for our members in the Ontario healthcare sector, and to have done so during what remains an extremely challenging time for them,” said Jeff Wendling, President and CEO, HOOPP. “It ...