Pensions Move to Direct Hedge Fund Investments?

Before getting into my latest topic, I want to thank those of you who took the time to write me after reading my last comment on the ugly truth . Rest assured this blog is not my open diary but sometimes I like delving deep into personal matters because I believe certain frustrations, anxieties and worries are common and if by expressing my thoughts, I can help someone else, so much the better. I have nothing to ashamed of and if some people choose to use my openness against me, then shame on them. The real ugly truth is that far too many people in finance and business are money whores and would screw over anyone for money. That's all I'll say about the ugly truth. Now, onto the latest topic, direct investments into hedge funds. Christine Williamson of Pensions & Investments reports, Move to direct hedge fund investments boosting business for consultants : The pace of searches and hires is up sharply this year for specialist and general consultants advising instituti...