Caisse's 2012 Annual Report

The Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec released its 2012 annual report in English late last week. Among other things, this report includes analyses of performance, risk management, and changes in assets. It also discusses the Caisse’s contribution to the economic development of Québec and its responsible investment activities. Readers can click here to learn more about the following: 2012 at a Glance (PDF 54 kB) Messages from the Chairman and from the President and Chief Executive Officer (PDF 74 kB) Our Clients, the Depositors (PDF 77 kB) Management Report (PDF 923 kB) Contribution to Québec's Economic Development (PDF 360 kB) Responsible Investment Report (PDF 106 kB) Reports of the Board of Directors and Board Committees (PDF 201 kB) Board of Directors and Executive Committee (PDF 91 kB) Financial Report (PDF 165 kB) Combined financial statements (PDF 375 kB) I've already c...