A Pension Holiday?

I've decided to take a solid break from blogging to spend time with family and friends. Those of you who want to track pension and investment news can do so by following the links below: 1) Google: pension 2) Google: private equity 3) Google: commercial real estate 4) Google: hedge funds 5) Pension Tsunami 6) Benefits in the News 7) Financial Iceberg (blog from my friend, Jean-Pierre Desloges) In addition, there are many links to other sites on the top right hand side of this blog under the Pension News section. There are a couple of articles worth noting. The National Post reports that insurance giant Sun Life Financial Inc. has signed a “game-changing” $150-million annuity policy with the Canadian Wheat Board that transfers investment and longevity risk from the wheat board’s pension plan to the insurer. Pension risk transfers are booming and more deals are on their way. Insurers like Sun Life and Prudential will benefit from this trend. De-risking cor...