Who Gets The Last Laugh on Stocks?

Myles Udland of Business Insider reports, Bill Gross is literally laughing at the stock market : Bill Gross is literally laughing at the stock market. In a tweet on Tuesday morning , Janus Capital's Bill Gross said: " Stock market refrain from a few months ago: "Where else are you gonna put your money?" LOL ... Ever considered cash?" Put another way, Gross is laughing at people who invested in the stock market because there was nothing else to invest in. Folks who have been reading Gross' investment updates over the past year or so most likely know that Gross would prefer holding cash to being invested in the stock market — or almost anything else. Early in September, Gross' monthly missive basically said everything sucked. Gross wrote: Global fiscal (and monetary) policy is not now constructive nor growth enhancing, nor is it likely to be. If that be the case, then equity market capital gains and future returns are likely to be lim...