OTPP's CEO Jo Taylor on Why They're Looking Hard at Private Equity

Jan Henrik-Foerster and Dinesh Nair of Bloomberg report the CEO of $189 billion Ontario Fund is eyeing Private Equity’s turf: The head of one of North America's biggest investors in private markets wants to cut its reliance on buyout firms and do more deal-making on his own. Jo Taylor, chief executive officer of Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan, Toronto, has plans for the C$242 billion ($189 billion) fund to buy more controlling stakes in businesses directly, so that it can save on fees and keep a closer eye on environmental, social and governance matters. In a rare interview, Mr. Taylor said OTPP is looking more closely at both the returns its private equity portfolio generates, and whether it can have "sufficient influence" at the companies it invests in. "One of the advantages of being in a control position is that you can actually have a consistent view of how we interact with the businesses," he said. "That's quite hard to do when yo...