Canadian Pensions Cranking Up The Leverage?

Kate Allen of the Financail Times reports, Canadian pension fund issues €1bn, 15-year bond : Some of the world’s largest pension funds have begun to issue bonds, with the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board today raising €1bn in 15-year debt in the latest example of the growing trend. CPPIB’s deal — priced at a 1.5 per cent fixed annual coupon — is its second euro-denominated debt-raising, after a €2bn deal last June. The order book topped €4.6bn. Globally pension funds have issued $28bn of syndicated bonds since 2014 according to figures from data provider Dealogic. The largest proportion of that total — $11.1bn — has been denominated in US dollars, with Canadian dollars close behind at $8bn . CPPIB has been by far the most active pension fund in the capital markets to date, having raised nearly $12bn in debt before today, according to Dealogic data . Canada’s Public Sector Pension Investment Board, the Ontario Pension Board and the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan have ...