AIMCo Releases its Mid-Year Results, Beating Its Benchmark

David Milstead of the Globe and Mail reports that Alberta pension manager AIMCo loses 4 per cent in second quarter: Alberta Investment Management Corp. reported a 4-per-cent loss in the quarter ended June 30, leading to a 6.8-per-cent loss totalling $9.8-billion in the first six months of 2022. AIMCo is the latest Canadian pension plan to detail how roiling world markets so far this year have dented its portfolio. But for the pension plans, it could have been worse: Royal Bank of Canada’s RBC I&TS All Plan Universe saw defined benefit pension plan assets – as measured by a typical mix of publicly held stocks and bonds – shrink by 14.7 per cent through June 30. AIMCo said its performance beat the performance of its benchmark – a portfolio of similar assets it uses to measure its performance – which showed a 5.3-per-cent loss for the quarter and a 7.9-per-cent loss for the six months. “Often when the stock markets take a hit, there is shelter in the bond markets, but t...