More on Pensions in Budget 2012

A follow-up to my previous Budget 2012 comment focusing on pensions. James Bagnall of the Ottawa Citizen, Pensions still OK for those still on job : More than 400,000 federal government workers across the country can relax. Their entitlement to rock-solid pensions, fully indexed to inflation, is intact. Under measures introduced in Thursday's federal budget, employees will have to contribute more to their pensions before they collect them. Assuming the new requirement passes a number of legal and practical hurdles, government employees eventually will absorb 50 per cent of the costs of providing promised pensions, compared with roughly one-third at the moment. It's not clear how quickly the employees' share will be hiked, though the process will occur over many years. Current legislation caps the costs borne by employees at 40 per cent and puts annual limits on how much contribution rates may rise . At the moment, employees kick in 6.2 per cent of salary up t...